Healthy Holiday Hustle 2019: Hustle for Hope (…and make an IMPACT)
It’s no surprise that 2019 HAD been a tough one for my family…
It seemed like life had continued to let us down, in ways we never could have imagined the year before. It had been incredibly difficult, excruciating at times, and we had struggled to pick ourselves up, move forward, see the light.
Although putting together the HHH in 2019 was an incredible challenge for me and seemed like a daunting task, I knew I had to do it. It had become a tradition, an inspiring challenge for so many people and a positive way to help people who needed it the most. I quickly realized, the HHH isn’t about Instagram likes or fitness. It isn’t about prizes or Santa hats or even spraying champagne to celebrate a great workout. The Holiday Hustle is about spending time with family and friends in healthy and inspiring ways. It’s about digging deep to find motivation and inspiring others to do the same. It’s about feeling good about yourself and about what you bring to the world. The Hustle is about philanthropy and giving back to people and causes who need us the most. It’s about support, showing up for one another and building each other up. And it’s about community, finding your own village who will pick you up and not let you fail.
The Healthy Holiday Hustle is about HOPE.
In 2019, we hustled for just that…HOPE. So many of us are going through our own struggles and the holidays can be a painful reminder of what we have lost. We decided to support Team IMPACT, which is a non-profit that connects children with serious and chronic illnesses with College athletic teams. The children are officially “drafted” to the team, giving them “teammates” who are in their corner offering support and encouragement to them during their highs and lows. Team IMPACT gives children HOPE and SUPPORT during a time they need it the most, just like the Holiday Hustle does for all of us.
Over the course of 34 days, 245 Hustlers showed up to inspire and motivate each other in what was to become our biggest HHH yet. We offered 5 group fitness classes (with 73 signups!) and were able to raise $14,417 for Team IMPACT, nearly doubling our best year to date. It. Was. Incredible.
LEarn more about team impact
Team IMPACT is changing the game. Through this organization, college teams across the country are connecting with children facing chronic or life-threatening illnesses, providing them a platform for mentorship, connection, and true HOPE when they need it the most.