Healthy Holiday Hustle 2017: Hustle for Detroit
Detroit Prep had to raise $1 million dollars in one year…
and the Hustle wanted to help. This independent charter school is committed to changing the educational landscape in Detroit and in turn, create a better city for the future. The school had outgrown its original location of a church basement and was raising money to move into their #DPForeverHome!
Over the course of 39 days, we were able to raise $5,100 through the donations of 67 Hustlers, chipping away at the new school dream. We organized our first donation-based class at CycleBar and celebrated our workout and the kickoff of the Hustle with a champagne spray (which later become a tradition!)
In the fall of 2019, the #DPForeverHome dream was realized when the NEW Detroit Prep opened its doors for students. We could not be more proud of our Hustle community for contributing to this dream for the city of Detroit!